I'm really really worried Boris Johnson will become Mayor of London. I dread to think what he will do to my beatiful city if he's elected. Please watch this and vote for anyone but him or the BNP, if you're eligible to do so.
Tuesday, 29 April 2008
Please Spare Us
Sunday, 13 April 2008
Tribute vs Plagiarism
For starters, a little task for you. If you haven't already see the video produced by the band OK Go where they dance around on treadmills (where have you been?!?), please do so immediately:
Now, I think this gives us an ideal opportunity to consider the classification of types of copying. This, for example, is a lovingly created tribute to the above. This, is a gentle mickey-take of the above. This, however, is a blatent rip-off, and I hope the creators are ashamed of themselves. Or, at the very least, send a royalty cheque to the band. Hmph!
(Oh, and if you enjoyed the original, also check out this video by them - I was delighted that they actually did the routine when I went to see them live. And when you're done, marvel at/be terrified by the number of fans who have seen fit to create their own tributes.)
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Labels: advertising, music, plagiarism, youtube
Sunday, 6 April 2008
Gingerism strikes again
I can't stand Jonathan Ross, but having written before about the inexplicable appearance-based prejudice that some redheads seem to encounter, I feel I must share this clip from Friday's show, in which Catherine Tate demonstrated that the feeling runs very deep in some quarters (but who'd have thought it'd be a cat's home?)
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Labels: gingerism, humour, television
Saturday, 5 April 2008
Ginger's Guide to London Streets: Bits and Bobs
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Labels: art of the state, Ginger's Guide to London Streets, internet, London, London graffiti, schmap, space invaders